Friday, February 10, 2017

Sonnet 350: "Fairie"

By David Palmer
6-February, 2017
Maple Valley, Washington, USA

I found it but once when just a wee boy
‘Tis said one has to believe to e’en see
The portal in the path to Avonlea
Abode of Etherea, source of joy.
A mirror she held of silver alloy
And sang a sweet song which bid my tears start
Love lost when a mortal man stole her heart
Life could not claim him, Death came to destroy.
She startled at first, to hear me weep
But drew me to her in loving embrace
“Your tender heart breaks, my secrets to keep
But don’t cry m’lad, for his spirit doth trace
The joy in my heart, affection so deep
To remember his love, brightens my face.”

A door in the forest floor did appear
“Come lad, walk with me, and see my bower
‘Tis fragrant like jasmine, rest ye this hour.”
Sweet fruits and biscuits my taste buds did cheer.
Elf-maidens danc’d, elf-men play’d lutes, the weir
Did resound to their gaiety; wind sprites
And zephyrs swirl’d madly around so bright
Was the light their wing did generate dear.
Drifted to dream-land, awoke with a start
Asleep on the knot of the old oak’s root
The door in the floor, and fairies depart’d
Did I dream this encounter?  Of a truth
I know not, mariposa wings impart
Memories of wee folk I saw in suite.

©2017 David W. Palmer
Poem Only

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