Sixteen years ago today, the world changed for all of us. +maricris cabrera and I invite you to join us in commemorating this day, not just by looking back, but also forward. How can we as world citizens find the path toward a peaceful and harmonious tomorrow? Add your thoughts, poems, essay, art, music.
9-11 plus 16 years: Why Remember? (A Rubáiyát)
In sacred space I bow my head to pray
And promise that I’ll ne’er forget this day
The day that Hell came screaming with a flare
Once again, a world ignored, made us pay.
In solitude, my soul, stand in the square
Feel the presence of their faces as they stare
Into visages of fear and fate, this date
Not so long ago, and we’re told “Beware!”
High above my head those jets smashed glass plate
The Cup of Fools was lost, Death did berate
A Nation unprepared ‘til winds of change
Foolish pretensions did emasculate
Not wanting to be us? We thought that strange
But hating what we stood for? So deranged!
People in despair, thinking no one cares
Fall prey, demagogues spout violent rage
On what to meditate in moments spare
The take-away which wisdom will declare?
From this alone will come security
That flame of hope as all look to its flare
Our times call for mental dexterity
Cut through jargon with perspicacity
Penetrate the surface with discernment
Understand my brother with clarity
Take the constant struggle, no adjournment
Yet not against religion’s commitment,
But bigotry, hatred which fears diff’rence
Narrow minded dogma, labels instant
Hiding my brother’s face with persistence
Behind a cursed wall’s long insistence
Let me be first to reach and break fear’s spell
Else hate, triumphant, reigns with consistence
Hail Brother, we have much we both do well
Let’s see each other eye to eye and dwell
On commonalities where we agree
Not in shadows where lines of difference fell
Cheapening of life in a violent spree
Is not godly in any faith to be
We must resist terror’s war so grown
Else our world die in flame without reprieve.
You try to change the world into your own
Warheads on foreheads more souls fall unknown
Islam is religion of peace betrayed
Disguised in symbols of noble cause, disowned.
Do you really love the world around you
You pray for peace with head bowed down, don't you?
Nations grieved as the flesh were torn apart
Tarnished sands where camels chew and oils brew.
Don't you realize their footprints are gone now
Blasted into smithereens I hate thou
Your number is few, don't let your children
Pay your wicked acts, teach love show them how.
Misguided, you're bringing war to the fore
Innocent dreams you charred, ash to the shore
Unfortunately, questions unanswered
Nemesis breathe 'til you exhale no more.
© 2017 Maricris Cabrera & David W Palmer